Saga Conference

I got the email yesterday informing me that my abstract was accepted for the 15th International Saga conference. It is amazing to me that I last went to that conference three years ago (well, only two and a half years ago, but it feels like it was only just last year, really).

I was excited to get accepted, of course, but I had heard through the grapevine that there were not very many abstracts sent in this year, so that means they rather had to accept most if not all of what they were sent.

I wonder why fewer people submitted abstracts--it doesn't seem that Uppsala would be more of a draw than Aarhus, quite the contrary. But I suspect it might have something to do with the fact that they are changing the pre-conference publication. It used to be that getting a paper accepted to this conference was equivalent to getting a paper published, since they published all the papers in a large two volume set. It was a real perk of going to the conference that they have decided to do away with for the 15th International Saga Conference, and that strikes me as a bit of a shame.

Anyhow, I was thinking I would go to the conference after my trip to Iceland in the summer, but Palmer will be with me for that trip, so I am not sure how the timing will work out. Perhaps I will just need to make two trips to Scandinavian in the summer, to make up for not going there at all this winter.


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