
I got my apartment here in Iceland over three years ago. At first I brought hardly anything with me from the States. Then I shipped over the bare minimum. Then I started bringing some personal decorations, and some photos. Now as it turns out, a lot of my favorite possessions have accumulated here.

Just in time for me to leave. At first I thought I'd be going to Berkeley for just over 3 months. Then I realized with the teaching schedule, it is actually over 4 months. Now it seems I will need to go a month earlier than that, in order to spend Christmas with Palmer. So now, í raun og vera, I will be in California for 6 months.

This means I really do have to do something with my stuff, all my stuff. And I have to do something with it all before December 21st, as it turns out.

The thought of this depresses me. As much as I need to get back to Berkeley to talk to my dissertation committee, as much as spending the spring with my son sounds fabulous, I wish I was looking forward to it just a little bit more. 


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