Deep South

Day 1:
It is raining so thick I cannot even drive, but I did manage to get to the neighborhood McDonalds, where they have free internet. And I have been chatting with a man in his 60s whose Southern accent is so thick I can hardly understand him. But I did decipher that he just bought himself a bike at the flea market for a really good deal. I wanted to take a picture of him on his bike, but I forgot my camera this morning. Instead he gave me a drawing that says "God loves me". 

Last night my brother and I talked about BP. They have a live camera shot they show on the local channel now 24 hours a day. It is a heartbreaking sight, to watch the oil gushing up like a blossoming flower set on fast forward. In all likelihood, this area of the United States is dying, and I feel the need to experience as much as I can. 


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