
Whenever I go shopping, I always have some idea of what I want, and I usually stay pretty focused on getting it. But I have had more than a few disappointing purchases because of this policy. Head out to the store thinking "I need a white blouse" and then I scourer several stores, finally buying some top I do not even like, just because it happens to be white. The same thing happened to me on Wednesday, when I went into Hagkaup with the express purpose of buying Palmer ínniskó. They had a dismal selection--only 1 style and that in only 4 sizes. But the one style was Lightning McQueen inspired, and since that is Palmer's favorite, I thought it was still worth buying. Now, I do not know Palmer's European shoe size, but in looking through the selection, most of them seemed too small on him. So I bought the pair that was the largest. When I got home and showed them to Palmer, he was ecstatic, but I was not. The shoes were too big. He cried when I said I would need to return them, and insisted on taking them to school with him on Friday, because he said they were not too big.

Well, the poor little guy fell and hurt his knee, trying to run in ínniskó that were too big. 

Today I plan to shop, but I will try not to be quite so insistent on buying only one thing from one place. If we find some nice ínniskó, that would be great. If not, I am sure we'll find something else good. 


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