So Cal Storm

In the movie LA Story, a running joke was what an easy job weather newscaster's in Southern California have.  Steve Martin, as the weather man, would throw suns wildly all over a big map of the LA Basin, and at one point even prerecorded the weather report for 4 days in advance. Of course, this bit of on the job negligence was motivated by lady troubles; he was trying to figure out how to get a beautiful, quirky Australian tubba player to fall in love with him. The electronic freeway warning signs magically lent him a hand. It is a cute movie. Anyhow, it just so happened that during these 4 days when his pre-recorded reports said "sun sun sun", a big rain storm came through.

That is how it happens here in Southern California. It does not rain at all for months and months, but when it does rain, it is a long steady rain that soaks everything until the streets look like shallow rivers and the soil gives way under its own saturated weight. Kids sit at the window just watching big rain drops dance across the surface of backyard pools. A rain storm is some of the best entertainment you'll find in this town. 

The joke in Iceland of course is "if you don't like the weather, drive 5 miles or wait 5 minutes" because the weather is so variable, a complex phenomena caused by cross winds and storms from various directions. Weather men there really have to stay on top of it hour by hour, not just day by day. 

In So Cal, we kick back and enjoy the show. 


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