
Yesterday I worked at the museum, and today I am working on my dissertation. A part of me, and many of my friends and family, have doubted my ability to move both of these projects forward simultaneously. Afterall, although the subject matter is related, they require really different methods and working styles. I have therefore considered setting aside certain months for one project or the other, and indeed the museum has gotten stretches of dedicated time. And I think the dissertation deserves that too. But it is hard to pull off, with so many things in medias resi at the museum. So I am working on a schedule of switching day by day. It is working out pretty well this week. Yesterday I met with Gunnar, and I was really happy to get a positive reaction to most of my ideas. Then today my attention snapped right back to my dissertation. Of course it is a little harder to gauge on the dissertation if I am making adequate progress or not, but I suppose any progress is better than none.


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