KitchenAide mixer

I was babysitting for a church friend of mine the first time I saw a KitchenAide mixer, many years ago in Southern California. It sat there gleaming on her countertop, a far more substantial looking mixer than the one my mother had at home, and truly beautiful. I put a KitchenAide mixer on my first wedding registry, but it was not until my second wedding that I actually got one. Boy did I feel like I had arrived. I was an adult. I could make a cake without batting an eye.

When I moved here to Iceland, the mixer stayed in California. But a few months ago, I noticed that I was staring at the KitchenAide mixers of my friends and cousins here in Iceland, clearly missing my own. In August, the mixer went into storage in Southern California, and that really started to bother me, my lovely KitchenAide mixer sitting there unused (the worst part being it was stored inside my car, incongruously resting on the central console -- long story. Except I will add that the mixer itself was unhappy with this arrangement: it broke the seatbelt release mechanism on the driver's side, thus ensuring anyone silly enough to fasten themselves in will never be able to get out without assistance. I call this a clear case of object revenge).

So on this trip home to California, I went through considerable effort to get the mixer here to Iceland. My parents helped, I must add. It took up my entire carryon suitcase, it was heavy, but boy oh boy, was it worth it. It looks really terrific on my kitchen counter top, if I do say so myself.


Jon Frimann said…
Ertu með rafmangsbreyti úr 230V í 120V ? Vegna þess að Bandarísk tæki virka örugglega ekki á Íslandi, án þess að brenna yfir með glæsibrag.
Lissy said…
Eg er með 120 enþá hérna heima hjá mér.
Jon Frimann said…
Ég hélt að það væri fyrir löngu búið að breyta gamla varnarsvæðinu í Evrópska staðalinn, sem er 230V/50Hz. Staðilinn er í BNA er nefnilega ekki leyfilegur á Íslandi, en hann er 120V/60Hz.

Þegar þeir breyta þessu, þá verður þú að fá þér umbreyti sem færir 230V niður í 120V. Svona breytar fást í Miðbæjarradío og fleiri rafeindabúðum í Reykjavík.

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