
Compared to most Icelanders, I suppose one could not say I have a lot of friends, especially life long or school friends that I am still in touch with. But now that I am in California, I am trying to connect with a few of the ones that really stick out in my memory as the coolest, most fun, most interesting, most intelligent, osv. On Sunday, my friend Christine came over. Her and I were good friends when we were around 10 years old, then lost touch with each other for years and years, reconnected in our mid 20s. We always rejoice when we see each other now, talk a million words a minute and laugh and laugh.

When I am in LA in two weeks, I am planning to have dinner with another friend of mine, Tracy. She and I were part of the same group in highschool, but did not start hanging out one on one until after college, and then very rarely. But she definitely counts as one of my favorite friends. She skipped our 10 year highschool reunion, because she was at Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston's wedding. A movie she produced with Morgan Freeman just got released last week I think. It is way cool to have a friend in the movie business. But Tracy would have been cool no matter what career field she went into. Never needed a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, to make her a complete individual, and I always really admired that.


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