California dreaming

Well, it has been one wet cold rainy day here in Iceland. Plus in November, the days get shorter and shorter by like a half hour a day, at least. It is really incredible. Of course, I am heading to California on Saturday, so I do not have much cause to complain.

I have been here in Iceland now pretty much straight since January. I twice spent a week in California, and I spent a week in Prague, but otherwise, this has been a very Iceland-centered year for me. And that means I am not quite as on top of things in California as I might like to be. So I am looking forward to several solid weeks of California-centered time. I imagine there will be some work related emails, perhaps I'll check on MBL or Visir now and again, but mostly, I'd like to give California, and my parents, and my son, a whole lot of attention for the next few weeks.

Iceland will just have to manage without me....


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