Library privileges

Ironically enough, although I am working on my dissertation practically full time, I am currently not considered a graduate student by the University of California (because I did not want to fork over $5000 dollars in tuition fees). I will reapply when it is time for me to file my dissertation, a practice done by most graduate students. Not being a registered student does not make too much of a difference at this stage, since I am here in Iceland anyhow. But I am going visit Berkeley soon, meet with my advisors, and realized I won't be able to get into the library while I am there. I currently cannot access online many of the journals I used to be able to get with my student ID. So, it is a little frustrating. I still have the key to the department, though, so at least I can get into its library if I need to.

On Wednesday, I got a desk at the Arni Magnusson Institute for a few weeks, which is perhaps not such a big deal except it means I was given a key. Now I can get in there even on the weekends and afterhours (there is always a guard on duty, of course!). Which is terrific. Because one never does know when one is suddenly going to get in the mood to try to track down all the versions of Þorðar saga hreðu.


Thordis said…
Þú veist þetta kannski en þú getur fundið alla online jounala hér:

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