The cat in the museum

A few years ago, I gave a talk for the town of Reykjanesbær about my plans for the exhibition at Vikingaheimar; the talk was in Gamlabíoið, part of the Duus Hús building. This room is also used for open town council meetings, and has lovely artwork and nice furniture. Anyhow, I got to my talk to go through the powerpoint ahead of time, so the place was virtually empty, except for me, the tech guy, and a skinny black cat. One of the men who works for the township threw the cat outside, then shook his head, said it was always hanging around.

I of course instantly liked the cat.

Well, today I went over to Duus Hús again, to show a colleague the exhibition on display in another part of the building, an exhibition about the American Base. The introduction to the exhibition features newspaper clippings from the 1950s and 60s, and a recreation of part of an Icelandic home from that period, ie: Icelandic material culture before it was inundated with American influence.

On the old, green velvet couch--near the lamp with a tasseled shade and a table decorated with lavaware--sat the same black cat, cozy as could be.


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