Rye grass

Driving home today, my friend Cassie and I were discussing berry picking in Iceland, and I told her also that this is mushroom gathering time. She is from Australia, and all of this rather baffled her. I said, well, it is sort of a Fall harvest idea. Of course, in the States, and in Australia, Fall harvest is associated more with the gathering of corn from stalks that tower above a man's head, or cutting rye grass that has grown heavy with seed over the long summer months. Expansive fields of grain, not small things lying close to the ground.

There is decadence in both. There is decadence in walking through a field of grain, running one's hands across the tops of the feathery rye grass, smelling them drying in the sun, and there is decadence in kneeling down, and eating a bright sweet berry right away. The rye carries with it the expectation of soft, warm bread.


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