Pink gloves

I have a knee length vintage coat from my mom, with a big collar, big buttons, and sort of a molten black and white pattern. She is pretty sure she bought it when she was a student in Copenhagen in 1958 or 59. At any rate, she had it when she met my dad, and it has hung in her closet for a long time. Now it lives in mine, since it is a heavy wool coat and well she certainly did not need it in California. I had some black trim added to the arms, since my arms are longer than hers, and would like to redo the lining one of these days also, but I wear it as it is now, especially on windy days and especially when I am in the city. I wore it for instance when I was going to the bokmenntahatid.

I like to wear my pink knit cap and matching pink knit gloves with this coat, because, well, they are electric pink. And nothing looks so good with black and white as electric pink.

Walking past a bar that night in Reykjavik, a woman commented on my coat and gloves, told me I looked oh so Carrie Bradshaw, because "the gloves do not match anything at all!" I thanked her for the comment, was just about to add that I think Reykjavik could do with a bit more Manhattan style, but thought perhaps that would not quite be appropriate.

Today I am wearing a flowered shirt from my mom, rather more 70s than 50s in style.


Anonymous said…
mér finnst sárlega vanta myndir!
Lissy said…
Æ, alveg rétt! Á að hafa vinkona min taka mynd af mér í þessi get up. Svo er nyjan hárið á mér alveg bara frabært if I do say so myself. Seriously, stared at myself in the mirror a good 5 minutes this morning, going like, wow, not half bad.

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