Patent Process

I hope one of my Icelandic readers will inform me as to how the patent process is done here in Iceland. I am assuming there must be one, though I have never noticed anything similar to the ubiquitous T with a circle around it or the little patent pending proceeded by a number here in Iceland as one sees everywhere in the United States.

Even for people in the U.S., though, the patents process is a bit of a mystery. My dad is going through the process. First one does (or usually hires someone else to do) a patent search, which certifies that there is not already on file a patent just like one's own. Then one applies for a patent. The patent office then does their own patent search, and will issue a temporary patent. I suppose it depends on the type of invention, but then the patent holder has a certain amount of time to find a manufacturer for the product, someone who will take the concept from the drawing board and into production.

But that is easier said then done. My dad right now is looking for someone to create a 3D animated model of his idea, which he could then show as a movie file or embed in a powerpoint presentation to potential manufacturers.

If anybody here in Iceland would like to try their hands at this, and do it really cheap, let me know!

It is for a good cause anyhow. My dad's invention is a wind generator, one that works on a horizontal axis instead of a vertical axis, which catches the wind therefore for a longer period of time. It also is engineered in such a way that it can work both in very high wind and very low wind conditions, which is unique since most of the large heavy generators can only work when there is a lot of wind. He put his first prototype on the roof of the house, so it could be used stand alone, but he believes it would more affectively work as part of a group in a wind farm.

I wish him well on this endeavor. To go from an idea floating around in the head, to some notes down on paper, into a more formal application process, and now having to slog his way through the multi-step process of getting something out into the real world. It has taken determination, and a belief that what he has to offer is worthwhile.


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