On astrology

One thing I find transferable from Californian culture to Icelandic culture is an interest in astrology. It is perfectly normal in the course of a conversations both here and in California to say something like, "Well, he's a Scorpio", and people know what that means. My son Palmer is a Cancer-Leo cusp, which is a very difficult cusp, combining as it does the attributes of a Water sign with that of a Fire sign (or in more modern psychological terms, an introverted emotional expressive leader. Either way, a tough row to hoe). Both of my husbands, and most of the men I have dated, have been Earth signs; I am an Air sign and earthbound types like Air signs generally speaking, keeps their lives more interesting. My two best friends though are Fire signs and we end up doing all sorts of wacky things together because, well, Air fans Fire. Yes, all very logical, when the world is divided up this way.


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