
I awoke this morning in the Knut Hansen novel Sult.

And I think the problem is that I forgot to buy cheese the last time I went to the store.

It is absolutely amazing how many meals that I make require cheese. Without cheese, not only do I not want to even attempt to make them, but whatever I do make is not nutritious enough to last me through the night, it appears.

Because I do not usually wake up rather hungry, but also rather uninterested in getting out of bed.

I blame this on Tillamock cheese, which came in huge brick size packages so that it lasted forever, was really flavorful, and all natural.

Mom, Dad: Send some!


Anonymous said…
Láttu einhvern koma með svoleiðis handa þér - ekki víst að þú fáir pakka með osti út úr tollinum, það þarf sérstakt leyfi til að flytja inn mjólkurvörur. Held þeir séu samt hættir að banna manni að taka þetta með sér sjálfum.

Ég er líka með ostadellu, verst að núna þegar ég er í prógrammi að léttast, eru þeir flestir bannaðir. Muuu!

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