Staying on Iceland time

Since I'm here in California for such a short trip, I am trying somewhat to just stay on Iceland time. Which means going to sleep when I put Palmer to bed (though of course I have to admit I did the same in Iceland some times!) and waking up ridiculously early, unable to do much of anything but lay around restlessly or go online.

Something got me started thinking about our trip to Disneyworld last winter, and that got me thinking about the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland. I grew concerned that in the recent overhaul to that ride, they had taken out my favorite part, the changing portraits. But a quick check on Wikipedia allayed my fears, in fact said that the Disneyworld version decided to put in the changing portraits from the Disneyland version, taking out the werewolf and other monsters that used to line the corridore.

Ah, yes, a productive use of time, I know.


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