
In the process of sorting through all my clothes (and books and knick knacks), I ran across the outfit I wore when I met Hillary Clinton, a short dress with a long blue jacket . It is all stained now (spilled some soup on it last time I wore it), so I have to decide if I should get rid of it or not.

I remember being so excited to meet her, so excited to pick out the outfit to wear. I practiced what I would say and everything, about how proud I was as an Icelandic-American to get to work on the Viking exhibition. She replied to me, "Well, good for you!" and gave me a very nice smile. That was all it took. I was extremely satisfied with the encounter.

Same actually when I met Leonard Nimoy and Keifer Sutherland. All a celebrety has to do is just give a nod and a smile to make people's day.


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