Give me hope Johanna!

This blog subject has been on my mind for a long time, but since I am too exhausted tonight to even leave the house, it will now see the light of day. 

When Johanna became the Prime Minister of Iceland, many blog posts used the title of an Eddy Grant song from the album Barefoot Soldier, Give me hope Johanna. Though I appreciated that this fabulous song was even known here in Iceland, I disliked the use of this title out of context. Because the song is in fact a sophisticated protest song, the upbeat tempo belying the anger in the words. It fits in the context of the album with the songs Youth Tom Tom and Le Tigre, and the title track, Barefoot Soldier. 

Perhaps at this point it may be obvious that Eddy Grant's Barefoot Soldier is one of my favorite albums, right up there with Graceland (going on the criteria of wanting to hear the whole thing start to finish and never getting tired of it). I like how these political songs are interspersed with less cerebral offerings like "You just found my weakness" and "Sweet on the Road" (less enthusiastically recommended is "Wildcat"). 

Anyhow, just a little reminder that all interpretation should be done in context. 


ג. ג. said…
Lissy, Writing blogs isn't as writing assignments for university. It can be out of context and still make sense.
Lissy said…
Ah, yes. I was (once again) revealing too much of my own biases.

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