Boat burials

I went to a terrific site tonight, just north of Uppsala, a cemetery that had been in use from the Roman iron Age through to the late Viking Age. The site was not in continuous usage, but rather when through phases of activity. What was so remarkable was that even with a gap of several centuries, when the site began to be used again, the new group knew or remembered where the previous group had dug their graves, and did not dig new graves on top of the old. Rather they moved to another part of the site after one part was 'done', in a symbolic sense. 

There is I suppose no point in consecrating ground that has already been consecrated, even if the rituals used to do so do not correspond to one's own cultural traditions. An amazing bit of respect, respect for the elders, respect for what had come before. 

And cool beans that one phase included a bunch of Viking boat burials (small rowing boats, not large ships). 

I was really happy I went. 


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