A new cell phone

I have had the same Nokia cell phone now for four years, and I think it really is time to get a new one. The battery does not seem to last as long, I am hearing a crackling noise on the line sometimes, the key pad is a worn, and it does not have the conveniences one wants in a cell phone these days. So I have gone into three different stores trying to buy one. The first was at Smaralind, and the prices seemed way too high, especially since I had not yet gotten my grant money! Then I went into Elko, and Palmer insisted on driving his car on the floor and over every item on the shelf, and thus, well, standing still at any one spot long enough to even see what brands were offered was not possible. The other day he was being better when we went into BT, so I asked to see their selection of cell phones. They had 5, none of them with email capability. 

Of course, every little task is harder with a 4 year old in tow. But the recession, and my own slight "dear in the headlights" response to the idea of getting a new cell phone, are not helping. I mean really, I should do 15 hours of online research into different cell phone options, and 5 hours of comparison shopping, before actually buying one. That would be the responsible thing to do. Instead I will probably buy the first one I can afford with any sort of typing pad. And then cross my fingers that it does what it is supposed to do. 


Jon Frimann said…
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Jon Frimann said…
Ódýrasti Nokia GSM/3G síminn sem ég veit um er Nokia 5320 XpressMusic, síminn kostar uþb 35.000 kr hjá Símanum. Þessi sími getur tekið á móti og sent tölvupóst.

Tæknilegar upplýsingar um þennan síma er að finna hérna, http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_5320_xpressmusic-2348.php

Þessi sími virkar 100% í Bandaríkjunum, nema 3G kerfið. Enda er þetta Evrópskar 3G tíðnir í símanum, ekki Bandarískar. Þar er smá munur á.
Lissy said…
Takk fyrir. Ég kifti í gær Eriksson fársimi, K850i hjá Simin, sem er með 3G or multiband, en 5MP myndavél. Myndavelin mín var orðin frekar erfit að nota, batteriíð hjá hana ekki vel hunuð, samt var hún ekki gömul svo ég var fægin að finna lausnan fyrir bæði vandamál í einu.

I so do love to kill two birds with one stone!
Jon Frimann said…
Ég notaði áður Sony Ericsson síma, en hætti því vegna þess að bilanatíðnin virðist vera frekar mikil í þeim. Þannig að ég skipti yfir í Nokia.

Hérna eru tæknilegar upplýsingar um Sony Ericsson K850i. Þessi sími virkar 100% í Bandaríkjunum, líka 3G kerfið, enda síminn með þriggja banda 3G kerfi, og fjögurra banda GSM.

Ko-Leen said…
Almost everyone I know misses the old Nokia's because although they might not have a lot of functions they work. The more extras on a phone, the more that can and usually does go wrong. I would keep the old one!

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