High and low and everything in between

There were a great many things about Prague I did not know, and really ought to admit to being lax on looking things up on the internet about it before I got here. Now that I am here, I am more and more impressed by the minute. Although York is still my favorite European city. I decided today that Prague is my favorite European capital. Such an amazing variety of architectural styles and such a sense of solidity, of history, this place has been and will be. But oddly work-a-day. deregulated. Kitchy tourist shops right up to the palace gate. No hiding the fact that they expect you to pay if you break a glass at their restaurant (which I of course did today - me, not Palmer. Yeah, I'm slick). Cafes open while in the midst of redecorating (rather Icelandic, I would say, in that respect). So even though I have never seen Paris, the extent to which this city bypasses Athens and Brussels and London just in terms of making a person feel welcome, feel part of the fabric of what is happening here, it is really quite amazing. 


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