Giving fair warning

I suppose no one at the party this afternoon was entirely surprised by the fact that I did not really know how to grill. I mean, they have all known me a long time, and even Palmer picked up on the fact that a woman's place is not at a grill (literally said to me, 'How can you grill mommy? You are a lady'). His prognostication was entirely correct. The chicken just laid there on top of the smoking coals, no grilling taking place at all. Each squirt of lighter fluid only gassing out my guests more and more, doing nothing to actually get the embers hot.

Turns out you need to dose the coals with plenty of lighter fluid, then let it slowly sink in while one patiently waits, throw in a spark, and after the fire flares up, wait, and wait some more, until the flames die down. And then you can actually start to grill. 

Short cuts do not work. That is the process. 

And now I know.  


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