Smá mont

I forgot to say, in all the hubbub of last week, that on Thursday, we had a reception for the college students that had been digging at the Hafnir landnámsbær. They had a nice 2 week dig, uncovered about a third of the house and made some interesting finds. 

After they had chips and beer, and Gunnar talked to them about his ship, I then took the group around the exhibition. It was my first tour group since we´ve got things more or less set up, and well, it was OK but will surely improve.

Anyhow, the nice thing about the evening was that towards the end, I had a minute to talk to the head of the cultural division for the township, and she mentioned how very much she liked the draft of a teacher´s guide (or family guide) I had sent her a week earlier. I was so excited! She had not replied to my email, so I did not know what to think of that, but as it turns out, she is very supportive.  We are going to get a group of teachers together and try to figure out how to present the exhibition to kids, either for the teachers to prep them ahead of a visit, or for parents of kids to have some hints about what to point out for their young ones. This is museum best practice in the U.S., but it is not always done, one of those things that quickly gets cut if the budget it tight. But I had a feeling here in Iceland, it would not be seen as a superfluous add on. 


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