Potty training

When Palmer got here to Iceland, he was just about potty trained, meaning he would go through the night without using his diaper. We were worried that the change of coming here would get that off track, but it didn't, he has not wet his diaper once since he has been here (though he did have an 'accident' when he was asleep in the car seat - boy those covers are a pain to reinstall after they have been washed). 

But this does mean that most mornings he wakes up at 4am or so, comes into my bed all fidgety, digging his feet into me, because he needs to pee but is too tired to just go in there himself. The excitement of me getting up (a bit annoyed, usually, that he did not just stop at the bathroom on the way to my room) usually means he lays there fidgeting next to me for an hour or so, before really getting back to sleep. 

So, potty training has one small little disadvantage. But it sure does save a lot of money on diapers. 


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