On rules

One of the things they say about parenting, especially parenting a young child, is to set firm rules and to follow routines. 

Dear god, someone might as well have asked me to sprout wings. 

I mean, I am trying with the bedtime routine, really trying. But it has already morphed a bit from what it was at home in California, with the addition of the wonderful book, "Klappa saman lofanum." I threw that in after the teeth brushing, with the lights off. Tonight Palmer wanted it before the teeth brushing, with the lights on. Of course, no problem. The point is the book gets read. 

Ha! An hour later, he is still awake. 

Yep, children truly do need their routines.  I hope he grows out of it sooner rather than later, because I can't regress. 

I slipped through the rabbit hole long ago. 


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