Loosing it

My aunt called me a bit ago, and seemed mildly offended I had not already come to visit with Dave and Palmer. Yeah, yeah. Bad niece points piling up. Bad mommy points will probably be accumulated this week, since I have no one to babysit Palmer and therefore he will have to entertain himself at the museum while I get the last little layouts done for the printer. At least now he will know what mommy's work is, which is good. 

Anyhow, I started crying talking to my aunt, because the truth is opening weeks are always horrible, but since I have had 6 weeks of opening weeks, I am pretty well past exhausted. And when I got off the phone, my friend Kendra, who is staying the night, says to me, "Wow, really seems like you are loosing it." 

Nah, two more days at most of killing myself, and then I am going to spend days and days at home, doing nothing but playing cars. 


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