
There was an article about Vikingaheimar in the news today. I myself do not get any newspapers, relying on others to tell me if there is something important. And it usually works out that way. I was at Gunnar's house today getting a few more photos, and Palmer played upstairs, when Gunnar's wife mentioned the article to me. I was extremely happy that the word Smithsonian did not appear in it. The lawyers at the Smithsonian have made it rather clear, and I myself have tried for years to get this point across, that their name cannot be used in any way without prior authorization. This concept has zero traction here in Iceland. The idea that one should do something enough in advance, and with enough pre-planning and group consultation, that there would be time enough to wait the day or two it takes to hear back from the Smithsonian Special Exhibits office, well, that is pretty much out of the question around here. Nope, now it seems it will be never, ever used again. And that suits me fine. Because really, every day that passes, every change I make, the exhibit becomes more and more mine, more and more ours. I just need to get the main theme across a bit better: everything ought to bring the visitor's attention back to the Viking ship, to see a new meaning in it with each look. 


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