The 'Very Geeky' party

Twice over the last few weeks, I have been around groups of Icelanders when the election (which is being held tomorrow) has come up. On both occasions, as people went around the room saying what party they were going to vote for, when it came to my turn, I threw up my arms and thumbs in a victorious pose and yelled out, Vinstri Graen! Both times, all the Icelanders let out a huge moan and a chorus of "Nei, Lissy" was heard. Today I went into the Vinstri Graen election headquarters here in Reykjanesbaer, because I am actually trying to make up my mind about voting or not. Walk in to find two old guys sitting in the ramshackle remains of a Thai restaurant, which did not look like a rally spot at all save the enormous blow ups of the extreme closeups of the four VG candidates in the window. A few nervous looking female students left shortly after I got there. The two guys seemed to assume I would leave soon, kind of just looked at me funny. But I took a seat, made myself at home, started talking to one of the guys in Icelandic, asked lots of questions. Finally I guess they decided I was not a spy from an opposing party. But when the heavy set, older, frumpy boss lady came in, I got the what the heck are you doing here look again. I am wondering if their reaction, and my family's reaction, is because VG is the party of super-nerds, and I just do not look the part. 


Anonymous said…
hehe, maybe in Reykjanesbær - Katrín definitely isn't geeky...
Ko-Leen said…
i think i would have voted for them, but i have no say :(

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