The election

I have been trying to keep up a bit with the different political parties, and find myself rather interested in the dynamic that arises from this multi-party system. In the U.S., it is virtually impossible to define what it means to be a Republican without reference to the idea of what it means to be a Democrat. Many people are Republicans only because they do not like the Democratic party, not because they love the Republican party so much. 

Some of the political parties here in Iceland have adopted this adversarial tone also. Choose us because the other people are really terrible! And of course in a multi-party system, one then has to list the sins of each party except one's own. The impression is that if you were to vote for anything else, boy oh boy what an idiot you would be. 

But actually, in a multi-party system, this is not necessary. A party can come to the table and say our main issue is X, and if you agree this is the most important issue, please vote for us. As far as I can tell, the only party adopting this strategy is Venstri Græn. So I am hoping they do well in the election on Saturday. 


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