
When I was in Southern California last week, I was a bit stressed out. I went to the mall just before it closed, and was looking for some songs at a music store. When I walked in, two staff people came up to me, asked if they could help. I asked if they had a way to burn songs from several artists onto one CD. They said they did not, and then the young lady working there chimed in with a super perky "Sorry!". I turned to her and said, "Don't use that tone with me. I am not leaving just because of that." I think I may have made the poor girl cry, or at least scared her. She disappeared into the back. The guy that worked there came up to me a few minutes later, offered to help again, and I let him help me find an artists I was looking for. I never did see the girl again, or say anything to her, and indeed I felt a bit bad about it. Other than being tired and upset, I think I may also just have gotten too used to the subdued customer service here in Iceland, such that their attempts at being helpful just came off as aggressive and annoying to me.  


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