Að jafna mig

The weather and length of days in California are so invariable, so similar from day to day, that one barely takes note of it, finds no need to listen to the weather man at all. Over the last year and a half of living here, I have certainly learned to listen to the weather man, otherwise one can really find oneself out on the street, shivering and unprepared.  

For the last few days I have also been noticing how amazing the difference is in the length of days. Back in November, I noted how quickly the daylight was diminishing, and now I note how very perceptibly it is increasing. It feels like the days are a half-hour longer every day. But I hope I know well enough not to get used to this, because in point of fact, the only constant in Iceland is change. Philosophers say that about everything in life, everything in the world, everything in the universe, but only Iceland forces you to accept that. 


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