The Fourth Quarter

I went to a superbowl party last night at the house of my American friend. We had the nacho dip and the pizza, beers chilling on the patio, a gigantic flat screen TV, and a room full of people who actually knew the game and the rules. In other words, we were just like millions and millions of Americans, except that for us, the game started at 11:30pm and did not end until 3am. 

Because of the time difference, the temptation is much greater here in Iceland than in the States to give up on a game before it is over. My uncles did that to me last year, declared they were tired of watching it and went to bed, and one of our American friends couldn't stay awake last night either. I was tempted to go home myself, since I had almost an hour drive back, and around half-time it really looked like the game was a wash. 

But Bruce Springsteen's various gaffes reawakened us considerably, and in the third quarter, the Steelers seemed to come unglued a bit, which got us all yelling at the TV. Then in the fourth quarter, Arizona had some great plays and the Steelers rallied too. So as it turned out, the game was not decided until the very, very last minute. Same as last year. 

So despite the hazards of driving home at 3:30am with only one working headlight, I am happy I stuck it out to the end.    


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