One step back IS two steps forward

There is no doubt I have had trouble with various aspects of living here in Iceland, the language absolutely, also figuring out how Icelanders give directions, which is often very vague and dependent on the person pretty much already knowing where they are going, and the constant change in the length of days. But nothing has been harder for me to overcome than my expectation that work, getting a job done, should be the same here as it is the United States. At the Smithsonian, we had a firm objective, we had a schedule, we had a budget, we all followed it, and when the exhibition opened, everything was done, the catalogue, the website, the exhibition, all done on time and to our standards. This is not the plan here, this is not the expectation here. Instead, as our marketing consultant explained to me today, we'll open the doors on a certain day, and however much is done that day will be fine. Then we'll keep working on it, just like we have been. There is no opening per se, there is no finished. Just get it to the point where it is presentable, workable, gets about 80% of what we want done, and we'll work on the rest later, time and money allowing. I think I can be OK with that, I really do. It actually sounds pretty nice, like we'd be welcoming people into our home, some dishes still in the sink, but a warm roast in the oven. 


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