The Obamas

Couples like the Obamas, where the man and the woman are equally matched, met early in life, and have both enabled the success of the other, seem to me more rare in the United States than in Iceland, where people seem to couple up early, and where there is a lot of pressure on women to be equals. But then I read a wonderful article in Miller-McCune recently, about a husband who listened to his wife's concerns about her patient's lack of money for disposable diapers, and agreed to help her start a foundation. They weren't a power couple, they were just two normal individuals who saw eye to eye on the importance of charity. I haven't heard the equivalent of that in Iceland, a country whose charitable ethic is a bit behind the American one (a direct consequence of having a weaker form of capitalism for a long period of time). That little story made me feel a bit better about being a 50/50 sort of gal.  


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