Amusing lessons

It occurs to me, as I'm here in Disney World, that Iceland lacks amusement parks. I'm a big fan of amusement parks, particularly roller coasters. Roller coasters are specifically designed to push the physical limits of the riders, and require the riders to basically place their lives in the hands of the unseen engineers. This leap of faith, this willingness to trust another, is a good lesson to learn. 

Now, not all the rides at Disney World are so exciting. Today we went on a much tamer ride, a boat ride through an experimental green house at Epcot Center, a ride called "Living with the Land." This ride was more obviously trying to teach a lesson, one about caring for the environment. The introduction included a wall of quotes, even one from George Bush, which was a hoot, and a couple of brilliant ones from school age kids. But my favorite was a classic, from Sir Francis Bacon: "You can only govern mother nature by obeying her." 


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