Listen up everyone!

Because of the collapse of the banking system, which was insured by the government, Icelanders now owe millions and millions of dollars to overseas investors, and many of them are down right mad about it, crying out that not only them but their children's children will still be paying taxes to fulfill this debt. I just heard a guy on the radio say he is going to move to America to avoid loading his children down with this debt which he had no part in accumulating. It seems he has not heard this simple but perhaps critical piece of information: AMERICANS ARE HUGELY IN DEBT TOO!! We have a 10 trillion dollar debt, and absolutely, the taxes my children's children's children will be paying are still going to be partially going to fulfill that long-standing obligation. Such is life in a capitalist system. Debt is par for the course, nothing to fear. The story goes that with debt comes untold prosperity. 


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