Iceland favored on AVEN

I have just finally finished the index for the book "Images of the North," which includes a number of discussions on how foreigners perceive Iceland: wild, empty, natural, supernatural. The scholars generally avoided one of the most prevalent stereotypes I have heard about Iceland, that it is a very sexually-open society. My own experience has not confirmed this stereotype, just as my experiences in Berkeley did not meet any preconceived notions of a free-love hippy town. On neither count was I the least bit disappointed. This could be a bold new tourism add campaign for Iceland, "Come here to be left entirely alone!".  Worth a shot, since certainly the British aren't likely to be coming around next summer.


Iris said…
You did not have that experience? I remember having to pose as a lesbian couple once to get rid of very persistent suitors. And I was dragged off a dancefloor more than once by an Icelander that said "Mig langar ad rida pér"
I also remember my Icelandic roommate one night declaring that he needed to be laid. Off he went and came back an hour later with a girl he introduced to me the next morning as "This, what was your name again?" The girl did not seem too upset.
And there were the "Porn Star in training" T-Shirts that were incredibly hip with the teenagers while I lived there.
However, I was in my early twenties then. Maybe the Icelanders calm down a little - as we all do - at a certain point?
Lissy said…
A definite benefit of living in Reyjanesbaer, instead of Reykavik, I guess! Because it certainly could not be because I am over the hill, unattractive...
Iris said…
My dear Liz! Certainly you're quite the opposite of unattractive!!
I was worried you could take it the wrong way once I posted it. No, I think hanging out in student bars age 23 is also a big, big difference!

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