Concert going

I would not say I am the most prolific concert goer, but I've been to some in the U.S. and some in Iceland. Tonight Bubbi Mortensen played a rousing set as part of the outdoor Ljosanott celebration here in Reykjanesbaer. Two things struck me as a bit unusual about this, first of all that there were a great number of very small children at the concert (but then I took my son to it last year when he was only 2) and second of all that the person I ended up randomly standing next to said to me after a few minutes, "Aren't you Elisabeth?" and I was perplexed, never having seen him before. Turns out he was related to my aunt's husband. I have decided Icelanders have an amazing proclivity for face recognition. I've often felt I was pretty talented in this regard, but tonight I was humbled.


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